1 year Experienced Junior VLSI Engineer Sample Resume


41 – 3RD cross,
8th main road,
Ramiah layout,
Kamanahalli,                                                                                             viveksg@gmail.com
Bangalore                                                                                    Mob: No – +919999999999      


Seeking a challenging position to utilize my skills and creativity in the field of Electronic System design which will offers professional growth while being innovative and resourceful.


   1 Year, Currently working as a Jr.VLSI Engineer in VLSI Department under Indian Research Institute in kerala.

Academic Details

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Communication) - (2005)

University    : Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
Institution    : College of Engineering, Kochi

Hardware Skills

HDLs                       : VHDL, Verilog
Tools                        : ModelSim, Leonardo Spectrum,  ORCAD, MPLAB
Microcontroller         : 8051. Atmel 89C51, PIC 16F876A, PIC 18F4550
Microprocessor        : 8085, 8086

Software Skills

Languages             : C, PERL Scripting
Tools                     : PIC C compiler, Microchip C18
Operating System  : Windows.

Protocols Known

PCI, USB, IEEE 802.3, CAN, I2C, SCI and SPI

Projects Undertaken


1. Patient Monitoring System

Duration    : 4 months

Develop a low cost Patient Monitoring System to make it available for all village hospitals.The project includes the capturing and processing of vital signs ECG, SpO2, Temperature and Blood Pressure.


  • Developed a stand alone Pulse Oximeter, Designed Circuit, PCB layout using ORCAD.
  • Developed firmware for PIC16F876A and PIC18F4550.
  • Developed USB Interface for PIC 18F4550.
Tools Used:  ORCAD, MPLAB, PIC C Compiler, Microchip C18 Compiler

2. Ethernet Communication Board on VME Bus

Duration    : 5 months
The Ethernet Communication board on VME is to enable the Ethernet data transfer to and from a host residing on the VME bus. The board has built in intelligence to handle the 802.3 Ethernet protocol with minimum intervention from the host processor. The design consists of Media Access Controller (MAC), Direct Memory Access (DMA) Unit, VME Slave Unit (VSU), Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the DAU (DPRAM Access Unit).


  • Verification of DAU and BIU blocks.
  • Design Back-Off algorithm for Ethernet MAC in VHDL.
  • Design of the CRC block in VHDL.
  • Wrote test bench for both the modules. 

Tools Used: ModelSim

3. Induction programme

Duration                  : 1 month

  • Implementation of UART transceiver module
  • Implementation of Bitstuffer
  • Implementation of FIFO


  • Architectural design
  • RTL coding in Verilog and VHDL
  • test bench writing
  • synthesis,scripting and Automation of testing using PERL
Tools used: Model Sim, Leonardo Spectrum

Academic Project

High Speed Digital Network using CAN Protocol

Client: OCL Informatics Ltd. Cochin

Duration                      : 2 month
This project is to develop a CAN network which can transmit data up to 2Mbps. The application side of this project includes validating data read from the Smart Card and authenticating access. The project also includes reading and writing to an I2C EPROM.  

Personal Details

Name                      :   Vivek.S.Guptha
Father’s Name        :    P.Arunoth Guptha
Gender                   :     Male
Marital Status         :     Single
Nationality              :     Indian
Date of Birth           :    20.05.1983
Hobbies                  :    Games, Listening to music
Languages Known   :    English, Malayalam, and Hindi
Email Id                  :     viveksg@gmail.com   


Mr. Maran. C.K
Indian Research Institute
Ph: 04000000000

Place    : Kerala               
Date    : 08.06.2006                                                                              (Vivek.S.Guptha)

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