SEBI Security Coordinator Recruitment


1. Security Coordinator (One)


  • Graduate from a recognised University, National Defence Academy or Open Universities recognised by Central or State Government.
  • Officer with minimum twenty years of commissioned service in Indian Army , Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, Serving, decommissioned in the rank not below Lieutenant Colonel.

  • Should have served minimum fourteen years through Short Service Commission (SSC-NT) and having six years of experience as Security Officer with Banks, Financial institution or any other reputed organisation.
  • Computer literacy and knowledge using MS Office, Word and Excel Applications.

Contract Period

3 years.

Maximum Age

60 years.

Selection Process



Rs 110000 per month with accommodation and Rs 150000 without accommodation.

Job Location

HO, SEBI, Mumbai

How to Apply?

Send completed applications on prescribed format to the

General Manager - HRD,
Securities and Exchange Board of India,
Plot No. C4-A, "G" Block, Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai - 400051

so as to reach before 23.08.2013.

You can also apply on prescribed format by email to recruitment@sebi, before the last date.

Superscribe on top of the envelope with "SEBI - Application for the post of SECURITY COORDINATOR "

Click here to download the prescribed application format

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